Halloween Preparations
Get excited! October is finally here and in full swing. It’s the spookiest month of the year and with Halloween coming up just over the horizon, it’s time to get your home as decorated as you can. Even if you’re not throwing a party, you’re most likely going to have a lot more people than usual visiting your house. They might look a little strange but as long as you have candy to distribute, they’ll leave with a “thanks!”. Here’s how to get your home ready for the ghosts and ghouls who will be visiting your haunted home.
On Halloween, you’ll have loads of neighbors strutting up to your front door in their costumes to collect their candy. You don’t want them to trip and fall on your walkway! Light the way for them with one of Amish Yard’s Nautical Solar Posts. If you want to give the post a Halloween tweak, we recommend choosing the Sea Captain Post and decking him out as a scurvy pirate! Not only will you not have to worry about having batteries for the lights but you can rest assured that your guests will have the path illuminated straight to your front door!
What do you usually pass out on Halloween? Some mini candy bars? Those are great and all but you could be passing out a delicious treat that makes everyone remember you all year round! These mini Halloween character pretzels are cute AND absolutely scrumptious. Let the neighbors know which house is the best house for trick-or-treating with these tasty snacks.
Sometimes it’s difficult to tell whether a house is ‘open for business’, so to speak. Usually, a porch light on will do the trick. However, why not go all out? Decorate the outside of your house to let all the trick-or-treaters know that you have candy that needs dishing out. These porch decorating ideas are great for letting everyone know you mean business. We especially love the floating witch hats!
We’re so excited for all of the activities and fun that go along with October but we’re most excited for Halloween! What are your favorite Halloween-themed activities? Share them with us in the comments or on Facebook!